Monday, November 18, 2013

31 Days Left to Go - Birthday's Coming Soon.

My birthday is almost here and to think I started this blog 119 days ago. Thinking about the things I have accomplished and the other things I did not fully complete, I'm quite proud of how far I came and where I will be going when I turn 25.

I'm okay with going exploring new adventures alone. I'm okay with being by myself. I have amazing friends, new friends, and reconnected with old ones too. I see my parents at least once every two weeks, and more recently once a week the past month. Work has had it's ups and downs, but I got a raise and most of the time come into work early because I love my job.

So I planned my 25th Birthday Dinner at Vietopia. I have plans to make chocolate covered fortune cookies as party favors, place cards with assigned seating with some of my baby photos, and a Vietnamese French Cake. I wanted that particular cake because it reminds me of my birthday cake when I was age 1 -10.

Lastly, I did not meet one big part of my goal which was to lose weight, but surprisingly, I'm not as repulsed by myself like I was before, however I have started to regain some of my health problems again, so I must lose the weight. That was the reason why I did it the first time.