Thursday, October 24, 2013

58 Days Left to Go - Positive and Negative

Let's start with the positive.

I got to see my friends (Nick and Anna) that moved to West Virginia the past weekend. I have not seen them in two years! It was nice seeing their little ones again too, even if they don't remember me. Not only did I see my friends, but the old group of friends that I used to hang out with years ago. It was quite refreshing and fun to hang out all together again.

I went to Karaoke with the friends mentioned above and had a great night. I haven't went out to Karaoke with my dear Jeana in forever, not to mention having Anna go to a muscle stripper guy and put a dollar in his underwear. (I know she liked it too)

I started talking to a guy on OkCupid, although flags went up kind of quickly and I don't think it's gonna work out. In the first conversation we had on the phone, he mentioned that he has already named our five future kids after biblical names and that on rainy days we are gonna watch tv... so what's the positive in all of this? It's literally the guy. He's so POSITIVE, that it's unreal. It really seems fake, or perhaps he's really naive. I am just look at it realistically.. (or pessimistically)..

So what's the negative?

I got my HIV test results back and it came back NEGATIVE!

Next on my short term to do list:

-Make a cupcake costume for Halloween
-Visit my parents.
-Get my donut tattoo this coming Friday.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

65 Days Left to Go - What is the meaning of Life?


You work most of your life, unless you want to die sooner..

You sleep more than you are awake during your lifetime.

You make a lot of decisions that can alter your life.

What's the point of life?

Why bother continuing on a journey that has an ending you already know will happen?

What difference does it make to have life on a planet that will forget you?

Eventually you will you pass and no one will remember you or even know who you were..

So... why not leave your mark.

Set a goal that will last more than a lifetime.

You don't have to be smart, you just need to have a goal and a plan to reach it.

..and perhaps a little help wouldn't hurt.

Life.. it's worth living, by making positive changes, and life altering decisions to eventually leave your mark in the work, no matter how small or big that may be. Take chances, go on adventures, and never let anything get in your way.

-Donut Land Retreat 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

67 Days Left to Go - Dreams, Memories, and Secrets.

I learned a lot of things today.. some of which seem like the monster hiding under my bed.

I was curious one day when I read on my birth certificate that I had one sibling that was born and still alive and another sibling that was born and had passed away. Well, it turns out I had another older brother.. No one seems to really talk about it, and I'm not even sure my Dad even knows. It's probably a really tough subject to talk about. I have so many questions in my head, wondering what could have been, and if my life would have been drastically changed.

So not many people really know this, but I have not been able to breath through my nose since I was born.. I'm not sure why, perhaps a deviated septum, but today, when I used the Nasal Spray, I was able to fully breath! It was an amazing experience and I wish it could have last longer, because it shortly went away.

On Wednesday, I'm going to see my general physician to get my CMV checked up again and also my Sleep Apnea. I am hoping he has some sort of cure for all of this.. because quite frankly I don't want to die in my sleep..

I hope I get better soon, because I have things to do and places to go!


Sunday, October 13, 2013

68 Days Left to Go - Bed Rest

I woke up feeling horrible yesterday, and had to go home early from work. My symptoms:

Nasal Congestion
Sore Throat
Upset Stomach

I can't figure out if it's reoccurring symptoms from my CMV, or if I have the flu or severe allergies.

Having Harvey with me is great, but I really do need to figure out what I can do about my cat allergies. I haven't been able to have clear sinuses ever since I got him. It reminds me of when I lived at home with my parents and we had our two dogs Buddy and BJ.

Not much has happened since my last post.. and it's only a few more months until my deadline on my goals that I made. One of the goals that I can really tell I have accomplished more and more is seeing my parents more often. I'm very happy with that result. I have also made a few new friends which checks another goal off my list and my recent vacation to Napa Valley and San Francisco should complete another goal I set for myself. So over all I am doing very well, however, it's that one thing that I can't seem to get right is my Diet and Exercise.. Although I joined 24 Hour Fitness and have been working out with Katie, so I guess it's a step toward the right path. I would also like to mention I got a raise at work. woo!

So yes, currently right now I am very ill. Not sure what it is, but tomorrow I will be going to a clinic and finding out what I can do to get better faster.

Some short term goals I have:

Clean my apartment
Ren Fest w/ Jenn
Make/Send my Birthday Invitations

Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

80 Days Left to Go - Worse Now Then When I Started

I went to California this past weekend for one of my friends' birthday. I had a good time, it was great to spend time with my friend and her parents. Although I wish I didn't spend so much money while I was over there, however, considering it's California, it was bound to happen. I also learned that my sleep apnea never went away. The description my friend stated was "moments throughout the night where you stop breathing, then you would gasp for air like you were going to die."


I started to really think about my health.. and quite frankly, and to be really honest, it's not going to well.

I have Sleep Apnea.

I have Periodontitis.

I have Acid Reflux.

I have Fatty Liver Disease.

I have Cytomegalovirus.

once again.. great.. So what am I doing to help battle these horrible ailments, diseases, and problems?

Sleep Apnea - Scheduled an appointment with a pulmonary doctor.

Periodontitis - Nothing.. I need to find a specialist to help me figure out what to do.

Acid Reflux - Taking Prilosec OTC. (although I ran out a while ago and stopped taking them)

Fatty Liver Disease - Joined 24 Hour Fitness, working out with Katie.

Cytomegalovirus - Incurable...


I'm over it..