Thursday, July 25, 2013

147 Days Left to Go - Who are my friends?

I have always said my friends shape me into the person I am today and in no particular order:

Sonja - My friend who I have known the longest. In a lot of ways we are very alike, for example, we are both kind, at times too nice, creative, active and young at heart. We tend to view the world in a different lens. She is currently applying for pharmacy schools across the U.S.

Ezzy - The friend I call at 3AM when I am balling my eyes out. She usually, well, always puts me in place. She's probably one of the only friends, along with Sonja, that I can talk to her about anything. I also come to her with medical questions too, since she is currently in nursing school at UT Tyler.

Raymond - My one of a few gay friends that I have. We met when we were both working at Freebirds. I then got a job at Memorial Hermann, and a little while later I helped him get a job there too. He currently works at Central Market. We see each other perhaps once a month or so, and he always helps me whenever I have "gay" related questions.

Wells - My old college roommate my senior year at the University of Houston. During college we would always have breakfast almost everyday and then go our separate ways, until we met back up at night. After I graduated, we kept in contact, and I would see him once every few months for brunch. He is so chill, that it makes me remember to relax sometimes and let things go with the flow. His cat had a litter of kittens and that is where I adopted Harvey Duke! Photo on the right side bar of the blog.

Katie - One of two friends I met at the Hilton College. She is quite different than many of my friends that I have. We are complete opposites of each other, but it somehow works. We eventually went through a lot of different experiences together and have lots of adventure stories between us. When she worked in Disney, we would both write letters to each other and send photos back and forth through the USPS.

Aurora - The other friend that I made at the Hilton College. We would always meet up on Monday for Margarita Mondays. She always tells me how it is, black and white, plain and simple, whether I want to hear it or not. I wish she was here in Houston. She's currently working for Hyatt in Chicago. (side note: her mom is pretty awesome too)

Jeana - I have always considered Jeana to be my fun friend. She's so much fun to hang out with and be around, and she can easily spark a conversation with a random person. We met through mutual friends and when our mutual friends moved, we met up through Twitter, had dinner at Yia Yia Marys, and the rest was history.

Siobhan - One of the most awesome people I know. She's so interesting. Fascinating. I want to pick her mind sometimes. We met at a very awful situation. I was dating this one guy and she was best friends with this other guy who was friends with the guy I was dating. We took a casino bus to lake charles, turns out the bus broke down, and it was a long trip, I lost money, her friend was a racist, and the guy I was dating was a douche. We had more things in common than the other guys. We have had a lot of good moments together, my favorite was probably crazy death taxi rides and all of her panda stuff.

Then there's also Endymion Quinn, Jenn/Greg, Jemel, Alyssa, Brittany, Jorge, Brenard, Jason, and Marcelene. Who I will explain more about tomorrow, since it's getting late tonight.

Good night.

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